Keyword Argument Pattern

This is used in a number of libraries throughout PureScript. For example:

  • Halogen's H.defaultEval value
  • node-child-process's pipe value
  • Affjax's defaultRequest value

The basic idea is that the library author provides a record that stores default values that do nothing, so that end-users can override only the values they need in a record update:

-- Library author writes this...

type Options =
  { directory :: String
  , port :: Int
  , logLevel :: LogLevel

defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions =
  { directory: "."
  , port: 8080
  , logLevel: Error

-- User overrides where they need it
foo :: Effect Unit
foo = do
  doSomethingWith $ defaultOptions { port = 2020 }
  doSomethingWith $ defaultOptions { directory = "app/", logLevel: Warn }

See Superpowered keyword args in Haskell - Ben Kovach