
module Syntax.Basic.LetLacksGeneralization where

import Prelude

We saw previously that we can define functions inside a `let` binding
and use it later after the `in`. The below example does NOT have a type
signature annotating it.                                                      -}
letBindingExample :: Int
letBindingExample =
    add4 x = x + 4
  in add4 6 -- outputs 10

We also saw that we can add type signatures to the `let` binding
to make it easier to read:                                                    -}
letBindingExampleWithTypeSignature :: Int
letBindingExampleWithTypeSignature =
    add4 :: Int -> Int
    add4 x = x + 4
  in add4 6

All of the above examples use monomorphism (i.e. each function only works
on 1 type / there IS NOT a "forall" anywhere), not polymorphism
(i.e. each function works on multiple types / there IS a "forall" somewhere).
In some situations, we may want to use polymorphism/"forall" in our
`let` bindings:                                                             -}
letBindingWithPolymorphicTypeSignature :: Int
letBindingWithPolymorphicTypeSignature =
    ignoreArgumentAndReturn4 :: forall a. a -> Int
    ignoreArgumentAndReturn4 _ = 4
    (ignoreArgumentAndReturn4 8) + (ignoreArgumentAndReturn4 "foo")

In the above example, when you remove the type signature above the let binding,
you will discover that "`let` bindings lack generalization". The below example
will not compile. You can uncomment it and see for yourself:                  -}
-- failsToCompile :: Int
-- failsToCompile =
--   let
--     -- based on the usage below, it would appear that this function's
--     -- type signature is "forall a. a -> Int"
--     polymorphicLetBindingWithNoTypeSignature _ = 4
--   in
--     (polymorphicLetBindingWithNoTypeSignature 8) +   -- argument is Int
--     (polymorphicLetBindingWithNoTypeSignature "foo") -- argument is String

Running `failsToCompile` will produce the following error:

  Error found:
  in module Syntax.Basic.LetLacksGeneralization
  at src/04-Various-Keywords/05-Let-Lacks-Generalization.purs:48:34 - 48:39 (line 48, column 34 - line 48, column 39)

    Could not match type


    with type


  while checking that type String
    is at least as general as type Int
  while checking that expression "foo"
    has type Int
  in value declaration failsToCompile

  See https://github.com/purescript/documentation/blob/master/errors/TypesDoNotUnify.md for more information,
  or to contribute content related to this error.

When the compiler comes across the first usage of
`polymorphicLetBindingWithNoTypeSignature`, the type of the first argument, 8,
is Int. Rather than making this binding polymorphic, the compiler assumes
that the function is monomorphic and its type signature will be
"Int -> Int". Thus, when it encounters the second usage of the function,
`polymorphicLetBindingWithNoTypeSignature "foo"`, it fails because
`String` is not the same type as `Int`.

This missing feature is called "`let` generalization." Its absence is
intentional. For more context, see the paper titled,
"Let should not be generalized"

Since the `where` clause is syntax sugar for `let` bindings, this issue can
also arise when you use bindings in the `where` clauses that are polymorphic
and do not have a type signature.

-- alsoFailsToCompile :: Int
-- alsoFailsToCompile =
--     (polymorphicFunctionWithNoTypeSignature 8) + -- argument is Int
--     (polymorphicFunctionWithNoTypeSignature "foo")
--     where
--       polymorphicFunctionWithNoTypeSignature _ = 4

-- This version will compile because the type signature
-- has been specified.
polymorphicWhereClauseWithTypeSignature :: Int
polymorphicWhereClauseWithTypeSignature =
    (polymorphicFunctionWithTypeSignature 8) + -- argument is Int
    (polymorphicFunctionWithTypeSignature "foo")

      polymorphicFunctionWithTypeSignature :: forall a. a -> Int
      polymorphicFunctionWithTypeSignature _ = 4