A Magical Monad

We reached these conclusions previously:

  • we need Monad's bind/>>= to enable multiple different state-manipulating functions to work
  • we need to hide the state from the actual function, so that developers can't pass in the wrong state value accidentally (i.e. make impossible states impossible). This came with two implications:
    • Calling bind/>>= should return just value, not Tuple value state
    • Running the computation via runSomeFunction should return Tuple value state.

In short, we need to implement the following two functions with these type signatures:

class (Monad m) <= MonadState state monad | monad -> state where
  state :: forall value. (state -> Tuple value state) -> monad value

runStateFunction :: forall state value.
                   (state -> Identity (Tuple value state)) ->
                    state ->
                    Tuple value state
runStateFunction stateManipulation initialState =
  let (Identity tuple) = stateManipulation initialState
  in tuple

Introducing the Function Monad

What if Function was a Monad? This might sound surprising at first, but it's actually true.

Recall that a Monad is any type that has lawful instances for the Functor, Apply, Applicative, Bind, and Monad (FAABM) type classes. As long as a type can successfully implement lawful functions for them, the type can be called monadic.

How might this be possible?

First, a Monad has kind Type -> Type whereas a Function has kind Type -> Type -> Type.

We can make Function's kind one less by specifying either the input type or the output type:

  • Function Int a/(Int -> a) has kind Type -> Type
  • Function a Int/(a -> Int) has kind Type -> Type

In other words, we need to turn Function into a completely new type (data, type, or newtype) that should only exist at compile time to reduce runtime overhead (e.g. type or newtype) that can also implement type classes (i.e. only newtype). Using a newtyped version of Function, we can specify all the types in the function:

newtype TypedFunction input output =
  TypedFunction (input -> output)

specifiesInput :: forall a. TypedFunction Int b -- Kind: Type -> Type

specifiesOutput :: forall a. TypedFunction a Int  -- Kind: Type -> Type

Second, since Function can refer to any function, what should our newtyped function's type signature be? We'll use the state-manipulating function's type signature itself! (state -> monad (Tuple value state))

We will call this the StateT monad. The T part of the name will become clearer later.

Monadic Instances

Let's now implement the FAABM type classes by using pattern matching to expose the inner function. The value type will be left undefined (i.e. it's the a in everything), making StateT have the necessary kind, Type -> Type:


newtype StateT state monad value =
  StateT (state -> monad (Tuple value state))

-- Let's follow the types. We'll need to return a `StateT` value
-- so we'll start by doing that:
instance (Monad monad) => Functor (StateT state monad) where
  map :: forall a b
       . (a -> b)
      -> StateT state monad a
      -> StateT state monad b
  map f (StateT g) = StateT -- todo

-- Since StateT wraps a function whose only argument
-- is state, we'll add that now:
instance (Monad monad) => Functor (StateT state monad) where
  map :: forall a b
       . (a -> b)
      -> StateT state monad a
      -> StateT state monad b
  map f (StateT g) = StateT (\state ->
      -- todo

-- We need to use that function, but it only takes an `a`
-- argument. So, we need to get that `a` by using `g`
-- Thus, we'll pass the returning StateT's state argument into `g`
-- Then we get a `monad (Tuple a state)`
instance (Monad monad) => Functor (StateT state monad) where
  map :: forall a b
       . (a -> b)
      -> StateT state monad a
      -> StateT state monad b
  map f (StateT g) = StateT (\state ->
        ma = g state
        -- todo
-- So we can use `bind/>>=` to expose the Tuple within this monad
instance (Monad monad) => Functor (StateT state monad) where
  map :: forall a b
       . (a -> b)
      -> StateT state monad a
      -> StateT state monad b
  map f (StateT g) = StateT (\state ->
        ma = g state
        ma >>= (\(Tuple value state2) ->
          -- todo

-- Great. Now let's pass `value` into the `f` function
instance (Monad monad) => Functor (StateT state monad) where
  map :: forall a b
       . (a -> b)
      -> StateT state monad a
      -> StateT state monad b
  map f (StateT g) = StateT (\state ->
        ma = g state
        ma >>= (\(Tuple value state2) ->
            b = f value

-- Now we have our `b`. However, the returned `StateT` needs
-- to wrap a function that returns `monad (Tuple value state)`
-- Let's do that now and finish implementing Functor for StateT
instance (Monad monad) => Functor (StateT state monad) where
  map :: forall a b
       . (a -> b)
      -> StateT state monad a
      -> StateT state monad b
  map f (StateT g) = StateT (\state ->
        ma = g state
        ma >>= (\(Tuple value state2) ->
            b = f value
            pure (Tuple b state2)


Since Apply is very similar to Functor (actually the exact same, but we just unwrap the f now, too), we'll just show the code.

instance (Monad monad) => Apply (StateT state monad) where
  apply :: forall a b
        -- (state -> Tuple (a -> b) state)
         . StateT state monad (a -> b)
        -> StateT state monad a
        -> StateT state monad b
  apply (StateT f) (StateT g) = StateT (\s1 ->
      (Tuple value1 s2) = g s1
        (Tuple function s3) = f s2
          mappedValue = function value1
          pure $ Tuple mappedValue s3


The Applicative instance is actually quite straight forward:

instance (Monad monad) => Applicative (StateT state monad) where
  pure :: forall a. a -> StateT state monad a
  pure a = StateT (\s -> pure $ Tuple a s)

Bind & Monad

instance (Monad monad) => Bind (StateT state monad) where
  bind :: forall a b
        . StateT state monad a
       -> (a -> StateT state monad b)
       -> StateT state monad b
  bind (StateT g) f = StateT (\s1 ->
      (Tuple value1 s2) = g s1
        (State h) = f value1
        h s2

-- The Monad instance is just declared since there is nothing to implement.
instance (Monad m) => Monad (StateT state monad)


instance (Monad monad) => MonadState state (StateT state monad) where
  state :: forall value. (state -> Tuple value state) -> StateT state monad value
  state f = StateT (\s -> pure $ f s)

FAABM Using Bind

Notice, however, that the above let ... in syntax is really just a verbose way of doing bind/>>=. If we were to rewrite our instances using bind, they now look like this:

instance (Monad monad) => Functor (StateT state monad) where
  map :: forall a b
       . (a -> b)
      -> StateT state monad a
      -> StateT state monad b
  map f (StateT g) = StateT (\s1 ->
      (g s1) >>= (\(Tuple value1 s2) ->
        pure $ Tuple (function value1) s2

instance (Monad monad) => Apply (StateT state monad) where
  apply :: forall a b
        -- (state -> Tuple (a -> b) state)
         . StateT state monad (a -> b)
        -> StateT state monad a
        -> StateT state monad b
  apply (StateT f) (StateT g) = StateT (\s1 ->
      (g s1) >>= (\(Tuple value1 s2) ->
        (f s2) >>= (\(Tuple function s3) ->
          pure $ Tuple (function value1) s3

instance (Monad monad) => Applicative (StateT state monad) where
  pure :: forall a. a -> StateT state monad a
  pure a = StateT (\s -> pure $ Tuple a s)

instance (Monad monad) => Bind (StateT state monad) where
  bind :: forall a b
        . StateT state monad a
       -> (a -> StateT state monad b)
       -> StateT state monad b
  bind (StateT g) f = StateT (\s1 ->
      (g s1) >>= (\(Tuple value1 s2) ->
        let (StateT h) = f value1 in h s2

instance (Monad m) => Monad (StateT state monad)

Reviewing StateT's Bind Instance

Let's look in particular at StateT's bind implmentation as this is crucial to understanding how it enables the syntax we desire:

instance (Monad monad) => Bind (StateT state monad) where
  bind :: forall a b
        . StateT state monad a
       -> (a -> StateT state monad b)
       -> StateT state monad b
  bind (StateT g) f = StateT (\s1 ->
      (g s1) >>= (\(Tuple value1 s2) ->
          (StateT h) = f value1
        -- h :: (state -> monad (Tuple value state))
           h s2

Behind the scenes, StateT is still using Tuple value state as normal. However, the value that is passed to f is the value type (i.e. a) and not Tuple value state. This is what enables the syntax we desire.

In other words, recall that

bind (Box 4) (\four -> body)
-- converts to
(Box 4) >>= (\four -> body)
-- which in 'do notation' looks like
four <- (Box 4)
body four

In the next file, we'll show how this actually works via a graph reduction.