Reducing Boilerplate

There are two problems with our current approach that we want to raise.

First, if we want to add another data constructor Cherry, we now need to nest that type even further using another type wrapper:

-- original file. This cannot change once written!
data Fruit
  = Apple
  | Banana

showFruit :: Fruit -> String
showFruit Apple = "apple"
showFruit Banana = "banana"

-- File 2. This cannot change once written!
intFruit :: Fruit -> Int
intFruit Apple = 0
intFruit Banana = 1

data Fruit2
  = Orange

data FruitGrouper
  = Fruit_  Fruit
  | Fruit2_ Fruit2

showAllFruit :: FruitGrouper -> String
showAllFruit (Fruit_  appleOrBanana) = showFruit appleOrBanana
showAllFruit (Fruit2_ Orange) = "orange"

-- File 3.
data Fruit3 = Cherry

data FruitGrouper2
  = FruitGrouper_ FruitGrouper
  | Fruit3_       Fruit3

showMoreFruit :: FruitGrouper2 -> String
showMoreFruit (FruitGrouper_ a) = showAllFruit a
showMoreFruit (Fruit3_ Cherry)  = "cherry"

We see that we keep nesting types inside more type wrappers. If we were to abstract this away into a more general type, we basically have nested Eithers:

data Either a b
  = Left a
  | Right b

Either Fruit (Either Fruit2 Fruit3)

Anytime we want to add a new data constructor, we need to nest it in another Either: Either first (Either second (Either third (Either fourth ... (Either _ last)))) If we were to visualize this data structure, it looks like this:

   Either                    Either
   /   \                     /   \
  /     \                   /     \
first  Either         Left first  Right
        /  \                      /  \
       /    \                    /    \
  second   Either       Left second   Right
            /  \                      /  \
           /    \                    /    \
      third    Either        Left third   Right
                /  \                      /  \
               /    \                    /    \
           fourth   last        Left fourth   Right last

Thus, to access last, we need to call Right (Right (Right (Right last)))

Second, using a value that is wrapped in a nested data structure leads to boilerplate.

Here's an example of putting a value of one of the nested types into the data structure. One needs to write a variant for each type position in our data structure:

putInsideOf :: forall first second third fourth last
             . last
            -> Either first (Either second (Either third (Either fourth last)))
putInsideOf last = Right (Right (Right (Right last)))

If we want to extract a value of a type that is in our nested Either value, we need to return Maybe TheType because the value may be of a different type in the nested Either value. Using Maybe makes our code pure:

extractFrom :: forall first second third fourth last
           . Either first (Either second (Either third (Either fourth last)))
          -> Maybe Result
extractFrom (Right (Right (Right (Right last)))) = Just last
extractFrom _ = Nothing

Once again, we need to write a variant of this function that works for every type position (e.g. first, second, and third) in our data structure.

In short, this boilerplate gets tedious. However, boilerplate usually implies a pattern we can use. Here's two ways we could make this easier:

  1. Rather than using a nested Either type, why not define a type for this specific purpose?
  2. Rather than using extractFrom and putInsideOf , why not define a type class with two functions for this specific purpose?

Defining NestedEither

Looking at our example of a nested Either below, what is the common structure?

Either first   (      Either second   (      Either third         last))
Left   first | Right (Left   second | Right (Left   third | Right last))
Left   first | Right (NestedEither second theRemainintTypes            )

So we come up with this idea, but it doesn't work...

data NestedEither a b
  = Left a
  | Right (NestedEither b c)

...because we enter an infinte loop:

  1. To define c in the Right value's NestedEither b c argument, we need the type declaraction, data NestedEither a b to include the third type, c. Thus, we go to step 2.
  2. We update the type to data NestedEither a b c. However, now the NestedEither b c in Right value has only two types, not three. Thus, it no longer adheres to its own declaration (i.e. NestedEither b c ? vs NestedEither a b c). To add the type, we need it to be different than the others to enable the recursive idea of a nested Either, so we'll call it d. Thus, we return to step 1 except c is now d in that example.

Still, we can clean up the verbosity/readability of nested Eithers by creating an infix notation for it:

infixr 6 type Either as \/

Either Int String == Int \/ String

-- As an example, the first line below reduces to the last line below
first \/  second \/  third \/  fourth \/ last       -- first
first \/  second \/  third \/ (fourth \/ last)
first \/  second \/ (third \/ (fourth \/ last))
first \/ (second \/ (third \/ (fourth \/ last)))    -- last

Defining InjectProject

When we have to write the same function again and again for different types in FP languages, we convert it into a type class (e.g. Semigroup, Monoid, Functor, etc.). Likewise, when we look at our code below...

putInsideOf :: forall first second third fourth last
             . last
            -> Either first (Either second (Either third (Either fourth last)))
putInsideOf last = Right (Right (Right (Right last)))

... we want putInsideOf to mean "if I have a data structure with nested types, take one of those types values and put it into that data structure." In other words, we want to inject some value into a data structure:

inject :: forall theType theNestedEitherType
        . theType
       -> theNestedEitherType

When we look at the other code we had...

extractFrom :: forall first second third fourth last
             . Either first (Either second (Either third (Either fourth last)))
            -> Maybe last
extractFrom (Right (Right (Right (Right last)))) = Just (f last)
extractFrom _ _ = Nothing

... we want extractFrom to mean "If I have a data structure with nested types, I want to extract the value of a specific type out of that structure via Just or get Nothing if the value does not exist." In other words, we want to project some type's value from the data structure into the world:

project :: forall nestedType theType
         . nestedType
        -> Maybe theType

Turning this idea into a type class, we get this:

class InjectAndProject someType nestedType where
  inject :: someType -> nestedType
  project :: nestedType -> Maybe someType


Indeed, the ideas we've proposed have already been defined by purescript-either:

The library provides convenience functions and types for nested Eithers, but only up to 10 total types:

  • Convenience functions for dealing with injection and projection
  • Convenience functions for running code that handles every possible type in the nested Either:
  • Convenience types for writing them in a function's type signature without the \/ syntax