Module Syntax


Due to the compiler being efficient and not wanting to import unused values/functions/etc., compiling this folder will emit a lot of warnings. If the warnings look like either of these two messages, they can be ignored:


Warning [current] of [total]:

  in module Syntax.Module.FullExample
  at src/11-Full-Module-Syntax.purs line 58, column 1 - line 58, column 37

    The import of module Module.SubModule.SubSubModule is redundant

  See for more information,
  or to contribute content related to this warning.


Warning [current] of [total]:

  in module Syntax.Module.Importing
  at src/03-Basic-Importing.purs line 29, column 1 - line 29, column 58

    There is an existing import of ModuleDataType, consider merging the import lists

  See for more information,
  or to contribute content related to this warning.

File Location Conventions

-- a module named...
module Module1 where
-- imports and source code

-- ... should be located in the file...
-- src/Module1.purs

-- whereas

-- a submodule named...
module Module.SubModule.SubSubModule where
-- imports and source code

-- ... should be located in the file...
-- src/Module/SubModule/SubSubModule.purs

Real World Naming Conventions

See the Style Guide's section on Module Names