
In the previous folder, we saw that we could print content to the console using specialLog. Underneath, we're using log, the function with the type, String -> Effect Unit. Since "bind outputs the same box-like type it receives," how was this possible?

In this file, we'll show one way to workaround this limitation. This solution will be used frequently in real code wherever the Effect monad is used. However, this solution doesn't necessarily work for other monads. Still, it is conceptually easy to understand and creates scaffolding. That scaffolding will make it easier to understand other workarounds to this restriction that we'll discuss in the Application Structure folder.

Reviewing a Previous Workaround: Lifting one Monad into another

When overviewing the ""bind outputs the same box-like type it receives" restriction, we described the previous workaround:

import Prelude -- for the (+) and (~>) function aliases

data Box1 a = Box1 a
data Box2 a = Box2 a

class LiftSourceIntoTargetMonad sourceMonad targetMonad where                 {-
  liftSourceMonad :: forall a. sourceMonad a -> targetMonad a                 -}
  liftSourceMonad ::           sourceMonad   ~> targetMonad

instance LiftSourceIntoTargetMonad Box2 Box1 where
  liftSourceMonad :: Box2 ~> Box1
  liftSourceMonad (Box2 a) = Box1 a

bindAttempt :: Box1 Int
bindAttempt = do
  four <- Box1 4
  six <- liftSourceMonad $ Box2 6
  pure $ four + six

-- type class instances for Monad hierarchy

instance Functor Box1 where
  map :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> Box1 a -> Box1  b
  map f (Box1 a) = Box1 (f a)

instance Apply Box1 where
  apply :: forall a b. Box1 (a -> b) -> Box1 a -> Box1  b
  apply (Box1 f) (Box1 a) = Box1 (f a)

instance Bind Box1 where
  bind :: forall a b. Box1 a -> (a -> Box1 b) -> Box1 b
  bind (Box1 a) f = f a

instance Applicative Box1 where
  pure :: forall a. a -> Box1 a
  pure a =  Box1 a

instance Monad Box1

-- Needed to print the result to the console in the REPL session

instance (Show a) => Show (Box1 a) where
  show (Box1 a) = show a


When we have an Effect-based computation that we want to run in some other monadic context, we can use liftEffect from MonadEffect if the target monad has an instance for MonadEffect:

class (Monad m) <= MonadEffect m where
  liftEffect :: Effect ~> m

Aff has an instance for MonadEffect, so we can lift Effect-based computations into an Aff monadic context. Below was how we defined specialLog. You can see it in the next file:

specialLog :: String -> Aff Unit
specialLog message = liftEffect $ log message

Referring back to our previous "local state" example, the ST monad does not have an instance for MonadEffect. This decision is intentional: state manipulation of that kind should be pure and not have any side-effects. That's why it exists inside of its own monadic context: to ensure that those who attempt to do so get compiler errors. This is a safety precaution, not a "we wanted to be jerks who frustrate you" decision.

As we saw previously in the Switching-Context.purs file, running multiple Aff computations in an Effect monadic context doesn't always lead to a predictable output. However, running multiple Effect-based computations in an Aff monadic context is much more predictable.