module Syntax.TypeLevel.Reification where
-- ignore this
import Prelude (class Show)
-- Reification = value-level value -> type-level value
-- Given a yes/no data type
-- data YesNo = Yes | No
-- In value-level programming,
ignoreMe :: String
ignoreMe =
-- we can write something like this...
yesno_to_string_function a_yesno_value_determined_at_runtime
This function does not know which value of the YesNo type
(i.e. `Yes` or `No`) it will be when the program is executed.
However, since the function knows how to map both values
of the YesNo type into an value of a String type, it doesn't matter.
Similarly, for type-level programming, we won't always know which
value of the value-level type it will be. However, if we know how to
reify every value of that value-level type into an value of
a type-level type, it doesn't matter.
Reification works by using callback functions:
-- Given the following code, which
-- - defines the type-Level YesNo and its two values
-- - defines a Proxy type and its two values
-- - defines the reflection function for both values ...
data YesNo = Yes | No
data YesNoKind
foreign import data YesK :: YesNoKind
foreign import data NoK :: YesNoKind
-- PureScript <0.15.13 Approach: use Proxy arguments
data Proxy :: forall k. k -> Type
data Proxy kind = Proxy
yesK :: Proxy YesK
yesK = Proxy
noK :: Proxy NoK
noK = Proxy
class IsYesNoKind :: YesNoKind -> Constraint
class IsYesNoKind a where
reflectYesNo :: Proxy a -> YesNo
instance IsYesNoKind YesK where
reflectYesNo _ = Yes
instance IsYesNoKind NoK where
reflectYesNo _ = No
-- We can reify a YesNo by defining a callback function that receives
-- the corresponding type-level value as its only argument
-- (where we do type-level programming):
:: forall returnType
. YesNo
-> (forall b. IsYesNoKind b => Proxy b -> returnType)
-> returnType
reifyYesNo Yes function = function yesK
reifyYesNo No function = function noK
-- PureScript >=0.15.13 Approach: use Visible Type Applications
class IsYesNoKindVta :: YesNoKind -> Constraint
class IsYesNoKindVta a where
reflectYesNoVta :: YesNo
instance IsYesNoKindVta YesK where
reflectYesNoVta = Yes
instance IsYesNoKindVta NoK where
reflectYesNoVta = No
-- We can reify a YesNo by defining a callback function that
-- has the corresponding type-level value type-applied
:: forall returnType
. YesNo
-> (forall @b. IsYesNoKindVta b => returnType)
-> returnType
reifyYesNoVta Yes function = function @YesK
reifyYesNoVta No function = function @NoK
-- necessary for not getting errors while trying the functions in the REPL
instance Show YesNo where
show Yes = "Yes"
show No = "No"
-- necessary to compile
yesno_to_string_function :: YesNo -> String
yesno_to_string_function Yes = "yes"
yesno_to_string_function No = "no"
a_yesno_value_determined_at_runtime :: YesNo
a_yesno_value_determined_at_runtime = Yes