
Test Conventions

Normally, the code you test is found in the src folder and its corresponding test file is in the test folder with the following naming scheme for modules:

-- in 'src/MyModule.purs' file
module MyModule where
-- imports and source code

-- in 'test/MyModule.purs' file
module Test.MyModule where
-- imports and test code

-- in 'src/MyModule/SubModule.purs' file
module MyModule.SubModule where
-- imports and source code

-- in 'test/MyModule/SubModule.purs' file
module Test.MyModule.SubModule where
-- imports and test code

Breaking Conventions

This folder will place both source and test code in the test folder to prevent you from going back and forth between the source file and its corresponding test file.

Libraries Used

This folder will cover testing using three libraries. Nested bullet points indicate other libraries into which one should investigate:

Running the Tests

See each folder for instructions