Bower: From Start to Finish

Warning: This code hasn't been checked. Most of it should be correct, but some parts might be wrong.

Create the project

One of two ways

pulp init

Install dependencies

# Need to install NPM packages and initialize them
npm install npm-package1 npm-package2
npm install
bower install package1 package2 --save
bower install

Due to the Bower registry being deprecated, there are some packages that will have to be installed using a longer name format because the library couldn't be uploaded into the Bower registry. While the registry is deprecated, bower can still download the files from GitHub if one uses this longer name format. Harry described how one could do that here and also mentions bower link as another possible option:

in bower.json, instead of writing...


... you can write

"dependencies": {

you can also use bower link which is similar but gives you a bit more flexibility

Write the Code

# Open the REPL to play with a few ideas or run simple tests
pulp repl

# Automatically re-build project whenever a source file is changed/saved
pulp --watch --before 'clear' build

# Automatically re-test project whenever a source/test file is changed/saved
pulp --watch --before 'clear' test

# Build a developer version
esbuild --bundle --outfile dist/fileName.js output/Main/index.js # if program

# Run the program and pass args to the underlying program
pulp run -- arg1PassedToProgram arg2PassedToProgram

Publish the Package for the First Time

See this help page for authors on Pursuit. Its instructions are more authoritative than what follows.

# Build the docs
pulp docs -- --format html
# Then read over them to insure there aren't any formatting issues or typos

# Set the initial version
pulp version v0.1.0

# Publish the version
pulp publish

Publish a New Version of an Already-Published Package

# Build and check the docs
pulp docs -- --format html

# bump project version
pulp version major
pulp version minor
pulp version patch
# or specify a version
pulp version v1.5.0

# publish it
# Note: you may need to run this command twice.
pulp publish