module Syntax.Modification.QualifiedAdo where
-- we'll import Prelude so that the regular functions (e.g. "map" "apply")
-- are in scope to prove that they don't cause problems here.
import Prelude
-- Requirement 3: import the module using a module alias, making it possible
-- to use the same function names to refer to different "apply"-like functions
import Syntax.Modification.MonadLikeTypeClasses as I
import Syntax.Modification.MonadLikeTypeClasses (Box)
-- Requirement 4: When we want to use 'qualified ado' syntax, we need to call the separate
-- function above and constrain the types to use IxApplicative
adoExample :: forall x. Box x x String
adoExample = I.ado -- signifies that we're using the "apply" and "map"
-- functions defined in the "MonadLikeTypeClasses"
-- module to desugar "<-" and "in <function>"
-- notation.
a <- I.pure "test1" -- signifies that we're using the "pure" function
-- defined in the "MonadLikeTypeClasses" module
b <- I.pure "test2"
in twoArgFunction a b
twoArgFunction :: String -> String -> String
twoArgFunction a b = a <> b
mixingAdosTogether :: String
mixingAdosTogether =
I think "qualified ado" and "unqualified ado" can be mixed together,
but I don't know of any examples