State-like Transformers

ReaderT, StateT, and WriterT can all be used to simulate state manipuation effects.

ReaderT can "modify state" in a top-down direction via MonadReader's local function:

foo :: Reader Int Int
foo = do
  local (_ + 1) do
    local (_ + 1) do
      local (_ + 1) do
        local (_ + 1) do
          stateAtThisPoint <- ask
          pure stateAtThisPoint

bar = foo 0 -- 0 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 == 4

WriterT can "modify state" in a bottom-up direction via MonadTell's tell function

foo :: Int -> WriterT (Array (Array String)) Int
foo i
  | i == 3 = pure 3
  | otherwise = do
      y <- foo (i + 1)
      tell [[ y ]]

bar = foo 0 -- Tuple 1 [ [3], [2], [1] ]
which breaks down to...

bar = do
  one <- do
    two <- do
      three <- pure 3
      tell [ [ three ] ]
    tell [ [ two ] ]
  tell [ [ one ] ]

StateT can "modify state" in a top-down and/or bottom-up direction via MonadState's get/put/modify functions.

See also What is the difference between ST effect / Reader / Writer ?