Reading Do Notation as Nested Binds
Be aware of where the parenthesis appear when using multiple bind expressions (e.g. m a >>= aToMB >>= bToMC
). Below provides a summary of the section called "Do notation" in this article:
data Maybe a
= Nothing
| Just a
instance Bind Maybe where
bind :: forall a b. Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
-- when given a Nothing, stop all future computations and return immediately.
bind Nothing _ = Nothing
-- when given a Just, run the function on its contents
bind (Just a) f = f a
half :: Int -> Maybe Int
half x | x % 2 == 0 = Just (x / 2)
| otherwise = Nothing
-- This statement
(Just 128) >>= half >>= half >>= half
-- desugars first to
(Just 128) >>= (\original -> half original >>= half >>= half )
-- which can be better understood as
(Just 128) >>= aToMB
-- which can be better understood as
bind (Just 128) >>= aToMB
-- since the latter ">>=" calls are nested inside of the first one, one
-- should read the above computation as "Only continue if the previous
-- `bind`/`>>=` call was successful."
-- In this situation, it is:
bind (Just 128) (\original -> half original >>= half >>= half)
-- reduces to
(\128 -> half 128 >>= half >>= half)
-- reduces to
half 128 >>= half >>= half
-- ... and so forth until we get the result:
Just 16
-- Similarly
Nothing >>= half >>= half >>= half == Nothing
-- desguars first to
Nothing >>= (\value -> half value >>= half >>= half) == Nothing
-- which can be better understood as
Nothing >>= aToMB == Nothing
-- which can be better understood as
bind Nothing aToMB == Nothing
-- and, looking at the instance of Bind above, reduces to Nothing
-- The other `half` computations are never executed.
-- Thus, given this function...
half3Times :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
half3Times maybeI = do
original <- maybeI
first <- half original -- ===
second <- half first -- | a -> m b
third <- half second -- |
pure third -- ===
-- ... passing in `Nothing` doesn't compute anything
half3Times Nothing == Nothing
-- Likewise, passing in a bad starting value will also stop the computation
-- as soon as possible:
(Just 3) >>= half >>= (\thisWontRun -> pure thisWontRun)
-- will desugar to
bind (Just 3) half =
-- will desugar to
half 3
-- which desugars to
half 3 | 3 % 2 == 0
| otherwise = Nothing
-- which tests whether `3 % 2 == 0` (false) the 'otherwise path'
Nothing >>= (\thisWontRun -> pure thisWontRun)
-- which desugars to
bind NOthing (\thisWontRun -> pure thisWontRun)
-- which desugars to