-- | The focus of this file is on how to use combinators.
-- | to produce random data.
module Test.RandomDataGeneration.Combinators where
import Prelude
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import Data.Array.NonEmpty as NEA
-- new imports
-- these are all explained below
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen (
, choose, chooseInt, elements, shuffle
, oneOf, frequency, suchThat
, arrayOf, arrayOf1, listOf, vectorOf
-- all imports below this line are needed to compile
, Gen, randomSample
import Data.Int (even)
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
-- Prints the results of the combinators in Test.QuickCheck.Gen
main :: Effect Unit
main = do {-
printData "explanation" $
combinator arg1 arg2 -- if args are required -}
log "*** Basic combinators ***"
-- see "Standard Uniform Distribution" section in
-- https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Uniform_distribution_(continuous)
printData "uniform - standard uniform distribution" $
printData "chooseInt - choose a random Int between" $
chooseInt 1 10
printData "choose - choose a random Number between" $
choose 1.0 10.0
-- oneToThree = NonEmptyArray [1, 2, 3]
let oneToThree = unsafePartial fromJust $ NEA.fromArray [1, 2, 3]
printData ("elements - Choose an random element from the array where \
\each element has the same probability of being chosen") $
elements oneToThree
let array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
printData ("shuffle - randomize the order of an array's elements \
\(e.g. " <> show array <> ")") $
shuffle array
log "*** Composable combinators ***"
printData ("oneOf - Randomly choose a generator (where each generator has \
\the same probability of being chosen) and use it to generate \
\a random instance of the data type") $
oneOf $ unsafePartial fromJust $ NEA.fromArray
[ chooseInt 0 9
, chooseInt 10 99
, chooseInt 100 999
let array_1 = NEA.singleton 1 -- (NonEmptyArray Int)
array_2 = NEA.singleton 2
array_4 = NEA.singleton 4
lessOften = 1.0
sometimes = 2.0
moreOften = 4.0
printData ("frequency - Generate an instance from an array of generators \
\where each generator is used unequally") $
frequency $ unsafePartial fromJust $ NEA.fromArray
[ Tuple lessOften (elements $ array_1)
, Tuple sometimes (elements $ array_2)
, Tuple moreOften (elements $ array_4)
printData "suchThat - Create a generator (e.g. even numbers) by filtering \
\out invalid instances that are generated from another generator \
\by using the given function" $
suchThat (chooseInt 1 100) even
log "*** Multiplier combinators ***"
printData "arrayOf - Using a generator that creates one `a`, create \
\an empty array of type `a` or \
\an array of randomly-generated `a` instances" $
arrayOf $ chooseInt 0 9
printData "arrayOf1 - Using a generator that creates one `a`, create \
\an non-empty array of randomly-generated `a` instances" $
arrayOf1 $ chooseInt 0 9
printData "vectorOf - Using a generator that creates one `a`, create \
\a non-empty array of a specified number of randomly-generated \
\`a` instances" $
vectorOf 10 $ chooseInt 0 9
printData "listOf - Using a generator that creates one `a`, create \
\a non-empty list of a specified number of randomly-generated \
\`a` instances" $
listOf 10 $ chooseInt 0 9
-- Helper functions
printData :: forall a. Show a => String -> Gen a -> Effect Unit
printData explanation generator = do
log $ "=== " <> explanation
result <- randomSample generator
void $ for result (\item -> log $ show item)
log "=== Finished\n"