Monad Transformer Stacks
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Generalizing the idea we discovered in the previous file into a pattern, we get something like this:
program :: forall m
. MonadState StateType m
=> MonadWriter NonOutputData m
-- => other needed type classes here in any order...
=> m ProgramFinalOutputType
program = do
-- use all the functions from the type classes
-- StateT state monad output
-- "IndexN possibleInput monad typeClassOutput"
runProgram :: Index3 input3 ( -- top of the stack
Index2 input2 (
Index1 input1 (
Index0 input0 -- =
Identity -- | bottom of the stack (the base monad)
output0 -- =
) output1
) output2
) output3
-- -> input0 -- =
-- -> input1 -- | all needed initial args to
-- -> input2 -- | `run[Word]T`/`runWord` go here
-- -> input3 -- =
-> Tuple (
Tuple (
Tuple (
Tuple (
runProgram program {- args -} =
runIndex0 ( -- bottom of the stack
runIndex1T (
runIndex2T (
runIndex3T program index3Args -- top of the stack
) index2Args
) index1Args
) index0Args
Note: when using ExceptT
, MaybeT
, or ListT
, the outputs won't necessarily be Tuple