Appendable: Semigroup to Monoid

This file will only cover the first two type classes in the type class hierarchy. The rest will be covered later.

These type classes often take two values of a given type and 'append' them into one new value. One could also think of this as 'reducing' two values into one value.


class Semigroup a where
  append :: a -> a -> a

infixr 5 append as <>


One example is String. Two String values can be 'appended/reduced' into one value by concatenating them together: append "hello " "world" == "hello world".

Another example is Boolean (although its functions are not defined in this way as there is a better type class for them). Two Boolean values can be 'appended/reduced' into one value via the usual suspects:

  • true && true == true
  • false || true == true

A third example is Int, which has two possible instances for 'appending/reducing' two values into one value. How? One could

  • add them: 1 + 1
  • multiple them: 2 * 2

A fourth is List. One can take two values of List and combine them together by putting both lists' elements into one new list.


class Semigroup a <= Monoid a where
  mempty :: a

mempty is the "identity" value. In other words mempty <> a == a and a <> mempty == a. In some contexts, mempty acts like a "default value."

The name, mempty, is used rather than empty because empty is the name of a function that a different but similar type class called Plus defines. We won't cover Plus here.

Using the same examples above,

Typemempty valueExample 1Example 2
String"""foo" <> "" == "foo""" <> "foo" == "foo"
Boolean (and)truex && true == xtrue && x == x
Boolean (or)falsex `
Int (plus)0x <> 0 == x0 <> x == x
Int (multiply)1x <> 0 == x1 <> x == x
ListNilx <> Nil == XNil <> x == x


Some of these type classes also specify specific helper types (sub bullets under a type class) that serve to reduce boilerplate:

  • Semigroup.
    • When one wants to reduce two values down to one by ignoring the second value and taking the first value, one can use First
    • Or vice versa (ignore first, take second), via Last
  • Monoid
    • When one wants to use Semiring's add/+ and zero as the meaning of <> and mempty, one can use Additive.
    • When one wants to use Semiring's mul/* and one as the meaning of <> and mempty, one can use Multiplicative
    • When one wants to use HeytingAlgebra's conj/&& and tt as the meaning of <> and mempty, one can use Conj
    • When one wants to use HeytingAlgebra's disj/|| and ff as the meaning of <> and mempty, one can use Disj
    • When one wants to use Category's compose/<<< and identity as the meaning of <> and mempty, one can use Endo
    • When one wants to use Category's composeFlipped/>>> and identity as the meaning of <> and mempty, one can use Dual

For derived functions (if any), see the type classes' docs.