
module Syntax.Basic.InfixNotation.Regular where

import Prelude

two_arg_function :: Int -> Int -> Int
two_arg_function x y | x < 0 = (x + 1) * (y + 14)
                     | otherwise = y + x

infix_notation :: Int
infix_notation =
  -- infix notation available via backticks
  (1 `two_arg_function` 2)
  -- becomes two_arg_function 1 2

data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
data Box a = Box a

-- Some types given here to make things easier...
type TypeAlias = forall a b. List a -> Box b
data DataType = Constructor Int Int

Infix Syntax:
infix/infixl/infixr precedence function/constructor as symbolicAlias

... or for type aliases:
infix/infixl/infixr precedence type TypeName as symbolicAlias

... where 'precedence' is a number (0..9)
    and 'symbolicAlias' is a sequence of symbolic character(s)
      (i.e. cannot use alphanumeric characters, nor an underscore character)

-- Example
infixl 4 two_arg_function as >>
infix  2 Constructor as ?->
infix  4 type TypeAlias as :$>

mostCharactersForSymbolicAlias :: forall a. a -> a
mostCharactersForSymbolicAlias x = x

-- Notes:
-- 1. '@', '\', and '.' cannot be used alone (see next comment)
-- 2. the below symbols are the ones you will typically see. However,
--      characters where Haskell's `isSymbol` returns true also work.
--      (https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-
infix 4 mostCharactersForSymbolicAlias as ~!@#$%^&*-+=\|:<>./?

These characters, when used individually as aliases, are illegal:
  infix 4 illegalAlias1 as \
                           ^ That's reserved for lambdas
  infix 4 illegalAlias2 as @
                           ^ That's reserved for pattern matching: a@(Foo 1)

  infix 4 illegalAlias3 as .
                           ^ That's reserved for record-related things: foo.bar
-- When used with more characters than themselves, they're fine and compile.
whenMultipleExist_itsFine :: forall a. a -> a
whenMultipleExist_itsFine x = x

infix 4 whenMultipleExist_itsFine as \\
infix 4 whenMultipleExist_itsFine as @@
infix 4 whenMultipleExist_itsFine as ..
infix 4 whenMultipleExist_itsFine as \.
infix 4 whenMultipleExist_itsFine as .@

-- Infix is all about where to put the parenthesis as indicated by precedence:
-- precedence is 0 = group first
--               n = group after first but before last
--               9 = group last
-- Each type of infix will be shown by reducing it to its final call

-- make depth small (like a tree)
-- infix 0 concatString as $$$$$

{-  "a" $$$$$ "b"  $$$$$  "c" $$$$$ "d"
== ("a" $$$$$ "b") $$$$$ ("c" $$$$$ "d"))
== ($$$$$ "a" "b") $$$$$ ($$$$$ "c" "d"))
== concatString (concatString "a" "b") (concatString "c" "d")  -- desugared

-- infixl 9 concatString as |>>|

{-    "a" |>>| "b"  |>>| "c"  |>>| "d"
==   ("a" |>>| "b") |>>| "c"  |>>| "d"
==  (("a" |>>| "b") |>>| "c") |>>| "d"
== |>>| (("a" |>>| "b") |>>| "c") "d"
== |>>| (|>>| ("a" |>>| "b") "c") "d"
== |>>| (|>>| (|>>| "a" "b") "c") "d"
== concatString (concatString (concatString "a" "b") "c") "d"

-- infixr 7 concatString as |<<|

{- "a" |<<|  "b" |<<|  "c" |<<| "d"
== "a" |<<|  "b" |<<| ("c" |<<| "d")
== "a" |<<| ("b" |<<| ("c" |<<| "d"))
== |<<| "a" ("b" |<<| ("c" |<<| "d"))
== |<<| "a" (|<<| "b" ("c" |<<| "d"))
== |<<| "a" (|<<| "b" (|<<| "c" "d"))
== concatString "a" (concatString "b" (concatString "c" "d"))