module Free.Add (AddF(..), add, addAlgebra, showAddExample) where
import Prelude hiding (add)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import Control.Monad.Free (Free, wrap)
import Free.Value (iter, value)
-- Code in this section will be reused in upcoming file
data AddF e = AddF e e
derive instance Functor AddF
addAlgebra :: AddF Int -> Int
addAlgebra (AddF a b) = a + b
-- Code in this section will NOT be reused
type AddOnly = Free AddF
add :: forall a. AddOnly a -> AddOnly a -> AddOnly a
add a b = wrap (AddF a b)
evalAdd :: AddOnly Int -> Int
evalAdd = iter addAlgebra
addOnlyExample :: AddOnly Int
addOnlyExample =
(value 4)
(value 8)
(value 5)
showAddExample :: Effect Unit
showAddExample = do
log "Add example:"
log $ show $ evalAdd addOnlyExample