Data Types


In order to abide by the principle of pure functions, FP Data Types tend to adhere to two principles:

  1. Immutable - the data does not change once created. To modify the data, one must create a copy of the original that includes the update.
  2. Persistent - Rather than creating the entire structure again when updating, an update should create a new 'version' of a data structure that includes the update

We'll use a linked-list (see below) to demonstrate the above two ideas.

flowchart RL
  3 ---> 2
  2 ---> 1
  1 ---> Nil

Each list is one of two values:

  • the end of the list (i.e. Nil)
  • a node that stores one element in the list and a pointer to the rest of the list (i.e. ...<--[3])

Mutability vs Immutability

Let's say we have a list that is assigned to the variable list1:

flowchart RL
  subgraph x["list1"]
    direction RL
    3 ---> 2
    2 ---> 1
    1 ---> Nil

Let's say we want to change element 2 to 5. There are a few ways we could do this modification to list1.

The first way is to mutate list1 directly, so that list1 refers to new list. A data type that gets modified like this is a mutable data type.

Before our modification, this is what list1 looks like:

flowchart RL
  subgraph x["list1"]
    direction RL
    3 ---> 2
    2 ---> 1
    1 ---> Nil

After our modification, this is what list1 looks like:

flowchart RL
  subgraph x["list1"]
    direction RL
    3 ---> 5
    5 ---> 1
    1 ---> Nil

The second way is to create a new version of list1 called list1Again. A data type that gets modified like this is an immutable data type.

Before our modification, this is what list1 looks like:

flowchart RL
  subgraph x["list1"]
    direction RL
    3 ---> 2
    2 ---> 1
    1 ---> Nil

After our modification, list1 is unchanged, but the "modified version" is now list1Again:

flowchart RL
  subgraph x["list1"]
    direction RL
    3 ---> 2
    2 ---> 1
    1 ---> Nil

  subgraph y["list1Again"]
    direction RL
    3'["3"] ---> 5'
    5'["5"] ---> 1'
    1'["1"] ---> Nil'["Nil"]

Pros & Cons

TopicMutable Data TypesImmutable Data Types
ReasoningCode is harder to reason about: list1 can refer to different values at different timesCode is easier to reason about: list1 always refers to the same value
Memory UsageUses less memory; low pressure on garbage collectorUses more memory; higher pressure on garbage collector
Multi-ThreadingRisk of deadlocks, race conditions, etc.No such risks

Immutable Data Types: Persistent or Not

There are two ways to modify an immutable data type.

First, one can choose NOT to share values across the copies. This is what was shown previously:

flowchart RL
  subgraph x["list1"]
    direction RL
    3 ---> 2
    2 ---> 1
    1 ---> Nil

  subgraph y["list1Again"]
    direction RL
    3'["3"] ---> 5'
    5'["5"] ---> 1'
    1'["1"] ---> Nil'["Nil"]

Second, one can choose to share values across the copies. This is an example of a persistent immutable data structure. Sharing is caring:

flowchart RL
  subgraph x["list1"]
    direction RL
    3 ---> 2
    2 ---> 1
    1 ---> Nil

  subgraph y["list1Again"]
    direction RL
    3'["3"] ---> 5'
    5'["5"] ---> 1

Big O Notation

FP data types have amortized costs. In other words, most of the time, using a function on a data structure will be quick, but every now and then that function will take longer. Amortized cost is the overall "average" cost of using some function.

These costs can be minimized by making data structures lazy or by writing impure code in a way that doesn't "leak" its impurity into the surrounding context.