module Syntax.Basic.Typeclass.MultiParameters.FunctionalDependencies where
Sometimes in multi-parameter type classes, there is a relationship
between the types. In such cases, we call them 'functional dependencies' (FDs).
The next block summarizes these links:
- Section 2.1.2 shows an example where it needs FDs to work correctly
class SomeClass type1 type2 | type1 -> type2
"Once you tell the type inferencer what the types on the left-hand side
of the arrow are (e.g. `type1`), then the type inferencer will stop
trying to infer what the types on the right-hand side of the arrow are
(e.g. `type2`).
Rather, the compiler will look for an instance where
the left-hand side types are defined and use that instance
to determine what the right-hand side types are. If the compiler finds
multiple instances where the left-hand side types are the same types
between instances but the right-hand side types are different,
it will throw a compiler error.
class TypeClassWithFunctionalDependency type1 type2 | type1 -> type2 where
functionName1 :: type1 -> type2
-- Example
data Box a = Box a
class Unwrap a b | a -> b where
unwrap :: a -> b
-- Here, the type of "a" (i.e. Box String) determines what "b" will be:
instance Unwrap (Box String) String where
unwrap (Box s) = s
If we defined another instance of `Unwrap` where
"a" is the same type (e.g. `Box String`) but `b` is different,
the compiler will throw an error:
instance Unwrap (Box String) Int where
unwrap (Box s) = length s -}
-- If multiple types determine what another type is, use this syntax:
class ManyTypesDetermineAnotherType a b c | a b {- n -} -> c where
functionName2 :: a -> b -> c
class OneTypeDeterminesManyTypes a b c | a -> b c where
functionName3 :: a -> b -> c
-- We can also add an explicit kind signature here:
class OneInfersMany_ExplicitKindSignature :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Constraint
class OneInfersMany_ExplicitKindSignature a b c | a -> b c where
functionName4 :: a -> b -> c
In some situations, there might be multiple ways to determine
a type. In such cases, we can use multiple FDs to tell the compiler
how to infer a given type in the type class.
The following two FDs can be read as,
"Make the type checker try to find an instance of ManyFDRelationships where
the `a` type and `b` type are known and then use
the instance to infer what the `c` type is.
However, if the type checker can't ultimately find such an instance,
then try to find an instance where the `c` type is known and
use that instance to infer what the `a` type and `b` type are."
class ManyFDRelationships a b c | a b -> c, c -> a b where
functionName5 :: a -> b -> c
-- Same thing but with a kind signature.
class ManyFDRelationships_KindSignature :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Constraint
class ManyFDRelationships_KindSignature a b c | a b -> c, c -> a b where
functionName6 :: a -> b -> c
In short, the type checker will use the FDs to determine how it should "unify"
the types together. If one FD fails, it'll go to the next one. If all of them
fail, it'll assume that there is no such type class instance.
In Haskell literature, functional dependencies can also be written as
"Type Families." To see how one can write the same concept in both
styles, see the below link:
For advantages/disadvantages of both approaches, see these links: