module Syntax.Basic.Typeclass.SingleParameter where
import Prelude
-- Basic Type classes
-- a type class definition...
class TypeClassName parameterType where
functionName :: parameterType -> ReturnType
-- Or the parameter type could be the return type:
class TypeClassName_ parameterType where
fromString :: String -> parameterType
-- example
class ToInt a where
toInt :: a -> Int
-- ... and its implementation for SomeType
instance TypeClassName SomeType where
functionName type_ = ReturnType
-- ## Type Class Instance Name Requirement
-- Previously, naming type class instances was required.
-- As of `v0.14.2`, this requirement has been dropped as the compiler
-- generates the instance name instead now.
-- Below is an example of a named type class instance. You
-- may continue to see these while the ecosystem catches up.
-- The name typically follows this naming convention:
-- `classNameType1NameType2Name...TypeNName`.
instance typeClassNameSomeType :: TypeClassName SomeType where
functionName type_ = ReturnType
-- The rest of this repo will use unnamed type class instances.
instance ToInt Boolean where
toInt true = 1
toInt false = 0
test :: Boolean
test = (toInt true) == 0
-- Type classes can also specify values:
class TypeClassDefiningValue a where
value :: a
instance TypeClassDefiningValue Int where
value = 42
-- Type classes usually only specify one function, but sometimes
-- they specify multiple functions and/or values:
class ZeroAppender a where
append :: a -> a -> a
zeroValue :: a
instance ZeroAppender Int where
append = (+)
zeroValue = 0
warning_orphanInstance :: String
warning_orphanInstance = """
Be aware of what an 'orphan instance' is.
See the following link for more info:
Note: Type class instances that use type aliases (i.e. the `type` keyword)
will fail to compile. The following code demonstrates this.
-- Uncomment me and I'll become a compiler error
-- type Age = Int
-- instance TypeClassDefiningValue Age where
-- value = 2
-- Type classes are useful for constraining types, which will be covered next.
-- necessary to make file compile
data ReturnType = ReturnType
data SomeType