Basic Aff Functions

In this file, we'll show the second way to run an Aff computation called runAff and how to convert Node.ReadLine's question function (i.e. an Effect-based function that requires a callback) into an Aff-based computation using makeAff.

Aff Overview

Let's first overview some of Aff's concepts, so that the upcoming code is easier to understand. To be a truly asynchronous effect monad, Aff must support the following features:

  • handles errors that may arise during its computation
  • returns some computation's output
  • can be cancelled if it's no longer needed

To model the possibility for a computation to return an error or actual output, we can use Either a b. Handling errors and output implies a function. Aff uses the type signature, Either errorType outputType -> Effect Unit, for that.

Lastly, cancelling implies what to do when the computation is either no longer needed or it has failed (but we aren't using the function just discussed above). As an example, one will use Cancelers to clean up resources (e.g. clearTimeout).

newtype Canceler = Canceler (Error -> Aff Unit)

Since our present interests do not require cancellation, we can use a no-op Canceler: nonCanceler

Understanding runAff

For our purposes, we need an Aff to run inside of an Effect monadic context. If one looks through Aff's docs, the only one that does this besides launchAff and its variants is runAff_:

runAff_ :: forall a.
           (Either Error a -> Effect Unit) ->  -- arg 1
           Aff a ->                            -- arg 2
           Effect Unit                         -- outputted value

Breaking this down, runAff_ takes two arguments (explained in reverse):

  • an Aff computation to run
  • a function for handling a possible asynchronous Error if the computation fails or the computation's output, a, if it succeeds.

Using it should look something like:

runAff_ (\either -> case either of
    Left error -> log $ show error
    Right a -> -- do something with 'a' or run cleanup code

We could make the code somewhat easier by using Data.Either (either)

runAff_ (either
          (\error -> log $ show error   ) -- Left value
          (\a -> {- usage or cleanup -} ) -- Right value

Understanding makeAff

Next, we need to convert question from an Effect-based computation into an Aff-based one. Looking through Pursuit again, makeAff is the only function that does this:

makeAff :: forall a. ((Either Error a -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Canceler) -> Aff a

Breaking this down, makeAff takes only one argument. However, the argument is a bit quirky since it takes a function as its argument. We should read it as...

  Given a function
    that returns an `Effect Canceler`
    by using the function that `runAff_` requires
      (i.e. `(Either Error a -> Effect Unit)`),
output an `Aff` computation that produces a value of type `a` when `bind`ed

To create this type signature, we'll write something like this:

affValue :: Aff String
affValue = makeAff go
  go :: (Either Error a -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Canceler
  go runAff_RequiredFunction = -- implementation

Since the implementation will need to return an Effect Canceler, we can do one of two things:

  1. Lift a canceller into Effect via pure. This is pointless because then our Aff wouldn't do anything.
  2. Create an Effect a and use Functor's dervied function, voidRight (<$), with nonCanceler
-- for a refresher on voidRight
2 `voidRight` (Box 1) == 2 <$ (Box 1) == (Box 2)

-- alias is: "<$"
voidRight :: forall f a b. Functor f => b -> f a -> f b
voidRight b box = (\_ -> b) <$> box

-- or ignore the monad's inner 'a' and replace it with 'b'

Updating our code to use these two ideas, we now have:

affValue :: Aff String
affValue = makeAff go
  go :: (Either Error a -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Canceler
  go runAff_RequiredFunction = nonCanceler <$ (effectBox runAff_RequiredFunction)

  effectBox :: (Either Error a -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Unit
  effectBox runAffFunction = -- implementation

We want to use question to print something to the console, get the user's input, and return that value. It's type signature is:

question :: String -> (String -> Effect Unit) -> Interface -> Effect String
question message handleUserInput interface = -- Node binding implementation

The only place we could insert runAffFunction is in (String -> Effect Unit). Thus, we come up with this function:

effectBox :: (Either Error String -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Unit
effectBox runAffFunction =
  question message (\userInput -> runAffFunction (Right userInput)) interface
                              -- (runAffFunction <<< Right) -- less verbose; same thing

Putting it all together and excluding the required arguments, we get:

affValue :: Aff String
affValue = makeAff go
  go :: (Either Error a -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Canceler
  go runAff_RequiredFunction = nonCanceler <$ (effectBox runAff_RequiredFunction)

  effectBox :: (Either Error a -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Unit
  effectBox runAffFunction = question message (runAffFunction <<< Right) interface

Cleaning it up and including the arguments, we get:

affQuestion :: String -> Interface -> Aff String
affQuestion message interface = makeAff go
  go :: (Either Error a -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Canceler
  go runAffFunction =
    nonCanceler <$ question message (runAffFunction <<< Right) interface