
module Syntax.Basic.Keyword.Data where

-- Basic syntax for the `data` keyword
-- For most of these examples, we will not need to use explicit kind signatures.

data Singleton_no_Args = SingletonConstructor

data Singleton_with_Args = SingletonConstructor2 Arg1 Arg2 ArgN

data Singleton_with_Function_Arg
  = SingletonConstructor3 (ParameterType -> ReturnType)

data Type_with_Many_Implmementations
  = Implementation1
  | Implementation2
  | ImplementationN

data Type_with_Generic_Types aType bType
  = Stores_A aType
  | Stores_B bType
  | Stores_A_and_B aType bType

-- We can refer to various parts in these definitions by the following names.
-- Wherever a name appears, that's what you would call it if you were talking
-- to someone else about it. In this example, we will need a kind signature
-- because `typeParameter` isn't used in the data constructor.
data TypeConstructor :: Type -> Type
data TypeConstructor typeParameter = DataConstructor


-- This syntax enables Algebraic Data Types (ADTs)
-- For an explanation on how 'data types' can be 'algebraic,' see this video:
-- https://youtu.be/Up7LcbGZFuo?t=19m8s

-- 2 basic version of ADTs: sum type and product type

-- the sum type
data SumType
  = SumConstructor1
  | SumConstructor2
  | SumConstructorN

-- example
data Fruit
  = Apple
  | Banana
  | Orange

-- the product type
data ProductType a b = ProductConstructor a b

-- example
data IntAndString = IAndS Int String


-- Intermediate/Advance syntax

-- given this code
data Box a = Box a
-- then...
data Type_with_Nested_Types
  = SingleBox Int
  | NestedBox1 (Box Int)
  | NestedBox2 (Box (Box Int)) -- outer Box's "a" is "(Box Int)"

data Type_with_Higher_Kinded_Type f = TypeValue (f Int)

typeWithHigherKindedTypeExample :: Type_with_Higher_Kinded_Type Box
typeWithHigherKindedTypeExample = TypeValue (Box 4)

data Type_with_Higher_Kinded_Generic_Type higherKindedBy1 a
  = MyConstructor (higherKindedBy1 a)
  | OtherC (higherKindedBy1 Int)

data Type_with_Higher_Kinded_Generic_Type2 higherKindedBy2 a b
  = MyConstructor2 (higherKindedBy2 a b)
  | OtherCInt (higherKindedBy2 Int b)
  | OtherCIntString (higherKindedBy2 Int String)

-- In the next two examples, we need an explicit kind signature.
-- The reason will become more evident in later files, but you will
-- understand it in full when you read through the Type-Level Syntax folder
-- ============================================================================
-- Since `a` and `b` aren't defined here, we need an explicit kind signature
data Type_With_HigherKindedByTwo_Generic
  :: (Type -> Type -> Type) -- higherKindedBy2
  -> Type                   -- a
  -> Type                   -- b
  -> Type                   -- the "concrete" type
data Type_With_HigherKindedByTwo_Generic higherKindedBy2 a b
  = Example (higherKindedBy2 a b)

-- Since `ignoredType` isn't used in one of the data constructors
-- we need an explicit kind signature.
data Type_whose_implementations_ignore_generic_type :: Type -> Type
data Type_whose_implementations_ignore_generic_type ignoredType
  = Constructor_without_generic_type
  | Other_Constructor_no_generic_type Int String
-- ============================================================================

data Type_with_no_implementation -- no equals sign followed by right-hand-side

data Recursive_Type
  = No_Recursion_Here
  | Recursion_Here Recursive_Type
-- Recursion_Here (Recursion_Here (No_Recursion_Here))

data Recursive_type_with_generic_type a
  = End_Recursion_Here
  | Recursion_Here__Store_A a (Recursive_type_with_generic_type a)
Recursion_Here__Store_A "first"
  (Recursion_Here__Store_A "second"

-- Full Syntax
-- Here we need a kind signature because `ignored` does not appear
-- in any of the below data constructors.
data DataType :: Type -> Type -> (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
data DataType aType bType hktBy1 ignored
  = NoArgs
  | Args Type1 Type2 Type3
  | FunctionArg (Type1 -> Type2)
  | NestedArg (Box Int)
  | DoubleNestedArg (Box (Box Int))
  | HigherKindedGenericType1 (hktBy1 Int)
  | HigherKindedGenericType2 (hktBy1 aType)
  | Recursive (DataType aType bType hktBy1 ignored)
  | ArgMix Type_ (A -> B) bType (DataType aType bType hktBy1 ignored)

-- Necessary for this to compile
type Type1 = Int
type Type2 = Int
type Type3 = Int
type Type_ = Int
type A = Int
type B = Int
type Arg1 = Int
type Arg2 = Int
type ArgN = Int
type ParameterType = Int
type ReturnType = Int