
-- This is the same file as the next one but specified to use Proxy arguments.
module TLP.RowList.Simple.Proxy where

import Prelude

import Data.Array as Array
import Data.List.Types (List(..))
import Prim.RowList as RL
import Data.Reflectable (class Reflectable, reflectType)
import Type.Proxy (Proxy(..))

Let's say we want to produce a `Show` instance that
only shows the keys of a record. Since a `Show` instance
already exists for all Records, we'll need to define
a newtype and its `Show` instance to achieve this desired behavior.                  -}

newtype ShowKeysOnly :: Row Type -> Type
newtype ShowKeysOnly r = ShowKeysOnly (Record r)
Once implemented, our code should work like this in the REPL:
> show $ ShowKeysOnly { a: 4, b: 6, c: "apple", z: false }
["a", "b", "c", "z"]

How would we implement the `Show` instance for `ShowKeysOnly`?

We implement it by defining another type class called `ShowKeysInRecord`
that computes that information for all records, not just records wrapped
in the `ShowKeysOnly`. Since this type class must work for all records,
it cannot know anything about the record itself. This type class
(and any other like it) will always use `RowList` to accomplish its goal.

`RowList` is almost always used to implement anything that involves type
classes and operating on the keys/values of any record that we know nothing of.
A `RowList` functions like a type-level list but one that is specialized to
work with row kinds.

A `RowList` kind has two type-level values:
- Nil (the base case)
- Cons (the recursive case)

At its most basic idea, it allows you to do a `Data.Foldable.foldl`-like
computation on a record where the "next" element is the next key/field in
that record.

Let's remember what a fold-left looks like by using List.
data List a
  = Nil
  | Cons a (List a)

Read the below function as
    1. a function that takes the previous accumulated value and the next
        element in the list and produces the next accumulated value
    2. the initial accumulated value
    3. a list of elements
  Produce the final accumulated value                                           -}
  :: forall element accumulatedValue
   . (accumulatedValue -> element -> accumulatedValue)
  -> accumulatedValue
  -> List element
  -> accumulatedValue
foldLeft _ finalAccumulatedValue Nil =
  -- base case: we're done
foldLeft f initialOrNextAccumulatedValue (Cons nextElement restOfList) =
  -- recursive case: do one step and continue
    nextAccumulatedValue = f initialOrNextAccumulatedValue nextElement
  in foldLeft f nextAccumulatedValue restOfList

The first step we need to do is convert a row kind (i.e. the `r` in `{ | r }`
or `Record r`) into a list-like structure, `RowList`. This is done by using
the type class, `RL.RowToList`, a type-level function.

Once we have a `RowList`, we can simulate a fold-left at the type-level
by defining two instances, one for each value of `RowList`.
1. The first instance corresponds to the `Nil` case above: it ends
    the recursiong and returns the final version of the accumulated value.
    Most of the time, this instance is very very boring.
2. The second instance corresponds to the `Cons` case above: it computes
    the next computation and adds it to the accumulated value and then
    continues the recursion. Since this computes something using type-level
    information, there are numerous other type class constraints that
    enable such computations to occur at runtime.

Great. Let's now show an example.

We'll first define the `ShowKeysInRowList` type class. Since type classes
infer what their types are based on runtime values, we need to include a
`Proxy` runtime value in the type signature of `buildKeyList`. Otherwise,
the compiler will hav eno idea which `rowList` we're referring to.           -}
class ShowKeysInRowList :: RL.RowList Type -> Constraint
class ShowKeysInRowList rowList where
  buildKeyList :: Proxy rowList -> List String

-- As I said before, the base case is quite boring. It just ends the recursion.
instance ShowKeysInRowList RL.Nil where
  buildKeyList :: Proxy (RL.Nil) -> List String
  buildKeyList _ = Nil

The recursive case is more interesting. First, write the initial instance

instance ShowKeysInRowList (RL.Cons sym k rest) where
  buildKeyList :: Proxy (RL.Cons sym k rest) -> List String
  buildKeyList _ =

Second, let's implement this instance. Since the type-level
`RowList` is a `Cons`, our value-level `List` should also be a `Cons`

instance ShowKeysInRowList (RL.Cons sym k rest) where
  buildKeyList :: Proxy (RL.Cons sym k rest) -> List String
  buildKeyList _ = Cons key remainingKeys
    key = ???
    remainingKeys = ???

Third, we'll compute what `key` should be. We know that a `Symbol`,
a type-level `String`, can be converted into a value-level `String`
via `reflectType` as defined by the `Reflectable` type class. So,
let's add the `Reflectable` class as a constraint to expose `reflectType`
and then use that function to produce our key:

instance (Reflectable sym String) => ShowKeysInRowList (RL.Cons sym k rest) where
  buildKeyList _ = Cons key remainingKeys
      key = reflectType (Proxy :: Proxy sym)
      remainingKeys = ???

Fourth, we need to compute what the remaining keys are. Wait, isn't that
what we're already doing? Let's use `buildKeyList` on the rest of the
rows. Since `buildKeyList` is defined by `ShowKeysInRowList`, we need
to add that constraint, so we can use that function:

instance (Reflectable sym String, ShowKeysInRowList rest)
  => ShowKeysInRowList (RL.Cons sym k rest) where
  buildKeyList _ = Cons key remainingKeys
      key = reflectType (Proxy :: Proxy sym)
      remainingKeys = buildKeyList (Proxy :: Proxy rest)

And that's it! We've now defined our type class instance. You'll notice
that the constraints get a bit long. So, the final version below
will use indentation to make it easier to read (at least in my opinion):      -}

instance (
  Reflectable sym String,
  ShowKeysInRowList rest
  )  => ShowKeysInRowList (RL.Cons sym k rest) where
  buildKeyList _ = Cons key remainingKeys
      key = reflectType (Proxy :: Proxy sym)
      remainingKeys = buildKeyList (Proxy :: Proxy rest)

-- Let's show all three parts together now for easier readability.
-- We'll add a `2` so that the code still compiles:
class ShowKeysInRowList2 :: RL.RowList Type -> Constraint
class ShowKeysInRowList2 rowList where
  buildKeyList2 :: Proxy rowList -> List String

instance ShowKeysInRowList2 RL.Nil where
  buildKeyList2 :: Proxy (RL.Nil) -> List String
  buildKeyList2 _ = Nil

instance (
  Reflectable sym String,
  ShowKeysInRowList2 rest
  )  => ShowKeysInRowList2 (RL.Cons sym k rest) where
  buildKeyList2 _ = Cons key remainingKeys
      key = reflectType (Proxy :: Proxy sym)
      remainingKeys = buildKeyList2 (Proxy :: Proxy rest)

To actually implement our `Show` instance, we'll add the constraints
needed to compute these values
instance (
  -- 1. First convert the `recordRows` to a `RowList`
  RL.RowToList recordRows rowList,
  -- 2. Then bring `buildKeyList2` into scope
  ShowKeysInRowList2 rowList
  ) => Show (ShowKeysOnly recordRows) where
  show (ShowKeysOnly _rec) =
    -- 4. And convert the `List` into an `Array` and reuse the
    --    Array's `show` to produce our desired result.
    show $ Array.fromFoldable keyList
    -- 3. Then build the key list
    keyList = buildKeyList2 (Proxy :: Proxy rowList)
Below are a few examples to prove that this works.
Run the following in the REPL to confirm it for yourself:
spago repl
example1 :: ShowKeysOnly ( a :: String, b :: Int, c :: Boolean )
example1 = ShowKeysOnly { a: "", b: 0, c: false }

example2 :: ShowKeysOnly ( rowlists :: String, are :: Int, cool :: Boolean )
example2 = ShowKeysOnly { rowlists: "", are: 0, cool: false }

Did you notice how the output of `example2` is unexpected?
It prints
rather than

It seems like `RowToList` will sort the rows labels before returning them
as a new list.