module Syntax.Basic.Unicode where
-- Unicode sytax is supported
-- Original credit: @paf31
-- Link:
-- Changes made:
-- - copied type signature that use unicode syntax except for union/intersect
-- - copied links showing unicode syntax in real libraries
-- - added library showing emoji operators in real library
-- - added forall / ∀ comparison
-- Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
data ℕ = Zero | Succ ℕ
add :: ℕ -> ℕ -> ℕ
add _ _ = Zero
ε :: Number
ε = 0.001
Using unicode syntax, instead of using a combination of characters,
one could use a single character to save space:
| Instead of... | -> | <- | => | <= | :: | forall |
| you can use... | → | ← | ⇒ | ⇐ | ∷ | ∀ |
Using Unicode syntax can make things unreadable, but sometimes it makes things more readable:
Yes, this does enable emoiji operators. See this library for an example of
why you might and might not want to use that syntax: