module ConsoleLessons.ReadLine.Aff where
import Prelude
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, runAff_, makeAff, nonCanceler)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import Node.ReadLine (Interface, createConsoleInterface, noCompletion, close)
import Node.ReadLine as ReadLine
-- This is `affQuestion` from the previous file
question :: String -> Interface -> Aff String
question message interface = makeAff go
-- go :: (Either Error a -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Canceler
go runAffFunction = nonCanceler <$
ReadLine.question message (runAffFunction <<< Right) interface
main :: Effect Unit
main = do
log "\n\n" -- separate output from program
log "Creating interface..."
interface <- createConsoleInterface noCompletion
log "Created!\n"
runAff_ :: forall a. (Either Error a -> Effect Unit) -> Aff a -> Effect Unit -}
-- Ignore any errors and output and just close the interface
(\_ -> closeInterface interface)
(useInterface interface)
closeInterface :: Interface -> Effect Unit
closeInterface interface = do
log "Now closing interface"
close interface
log "Finished!"
-- Same code as before, but without the Pyramid of Doom!
useInterface :: Interface -> Aff Unit
useInterface interface = do
liftEffect $ log "Requesting user input..."
answer1 <- interface # question "Type something here (1): "
liftEffect $ log $ "You typed: '" <> answer1 <> "'\n"
answer2 <- interface # question "Type something here (2): "
liftEffect $ log $ "You typed: '" <> answer2 <> "'\n"
answer3 <- interface # question "Type something here (3): "
liftEffect $ log $ "You typed: '" <> answer3 <> "'\n"
answer4 <- interface # question "Type something here (4): "
liftEffect $ log $ "You typed: '" <> answer4 <> "'\n"
answer5 <- interface # question "Type something here (5): "
liftEffect $ log $ "You typed: '" <> answer5 <> "'\n"