Monadic Function Examples

This file will help you learn how to read a monadic function's "do notation." We'll take some very simple examples and do a graph reduction on them to show how a series of bind/>>= calls are evaluated into a final value.

Function Implementations

To help us evaluate these examples manually, we'll include our verbose "not cleaned up" solutions from the previous file here (except for the Applicative one):

class Functor (Function inputType) where
  map :: forall originalOutputType newOutputType.
         (originalOutputType -> newOutputType) ->
         Function inputType originalOutputType ->
         Function inputType newOutputType
  map originalToNew f = (\input ->
    let originalOutput = f input
    in originalToNew originalOutput)

class (Functor (Function inputType)) <= Apply (Function inputType) where
  apply :: forall originalOutputType newOutputType.
           Function inputType (originalOutputType -> newOutputType) ->
           Function inputType  originalOutputType ->
           Function inputType  newOutputType
  apply functionInFunction f = (\input ->
      originalOutput = f input
      originalToNew = functionInFunction input
    in originalToNew originalOutput)

-- Since pure ignores its argument, I'll use the cleaned up version
-- here because it's easier to understand
class (Apply (Function inputType)) <= Applicative (Function inputType) where
  pure :: forall outputType. outputType -> Function inputType outputType
  pure value = (\_ -> value)

class (Apply (Function inputType)) <= Bind (Function inputType) where
  bind :: forall originalOutputType newOutputType.
          (originalOutputType -> Function inputType newOutputType) ->
          Function inputType originalOutputType ->
          Function inputType newOutputType
  bind originalToFunction f = (\input ->
      originalOutput = f input
      inputToNewOutput = originalToFunction originalOutput
    in inputToNewOutput input)

Example 1: pure

Let's say I have the following code using "do notation"

someComputation = do
  pure 1

Let's break it down:

pure 1

-- replace `pure` with implementation
(\_ -> 1)

This reveals the first issue with learning how to read "do notation" for monadic functions: the entire thing is one massive function. someComputation is not a value; it's a function that expects an input.

To actually use it, we'd need to write something like this:

produceAValue = someComputation "example input"
  someComputation = do
    pure 1

Example 2: single bind

Let's say I have the following code using "do notation"

produceValue = someComputation 4
  someComputation = do
    value <- \four -> 1 + four
    pure (value + 5)

Let's break it down:

produceValue = someComputation 4
  someComputation = do
    value <- \four -> 1 + four
    pure (value + 5)

-- hide the "produceValue" part and focus only on the 'someComputation' part
  value <- \four -> 1 + four
  pure (value + 5)

-- desugar do notation into nested >>= calls
(\four -> 1 + four) >>= (\value ->
  pure (value + 5)

-- desguar >>= into bind
bind (\four -> 1 + four) (\value ->
  pure (value + 5)

-- replace `bind` with definition
(\input ->
    originalOutput = (\four -> 1 + four) input
    originalToFunction = (\value -> pure (value + 5))
    inputToNewOutput = originalToFunction originalOutput
  in inputToNewOutput input

-- replace `pure` with definition
(\input ->
    originalOutput = (\four -> 1 + four) input
    originalToFunction = (\value -> (\_ -> value + 5))
    inputToNewOutput = originalToFunction originalOutput
  in inputToNewOutput input

-- uncurry the curried function due to `pure` definition replacement
(\input ->
    originalOutput = (\four -> 1 + four) input
    originalToFunction = (\value _ -> value + 5)
    inputToNewOutput = originalToFunction originalOutput
  in inputToNewOutput input

-- apply argument to `originalOutput` (`four` becomes `input`)
(\input ->
    originalOutput = (\input -> 1 + input)
    originalToFunction = (\value _ -> value + 5)
    inputToNewOutput = originalToFunction originalOutput
  in inputToNewOutput input

-- evaluate `originalOutput`
(\input ->
    originalOutput = 1 + input
    originalToFunction = (\value _ -> value + 5)
    inputToNewOutput = originalToFunction originalOutput
  in inputToNewOutput input

-- replace `originalOutput` with its implementation
(\input ->
    originalToFunction = (\value _ -> value + 5)
    inputToNewOutput = originalToFunction (1 + input)
  in inputToNewOutput input

-- inline `originalToFunction`'s definition
(\input ->
    inputToNewOutput = (\value _ -> value + 5) (1 + input)
  in inputToNewOutput input

-- apply the first argument to the function
(\input ->
    inputToNewOutput = (\(1 + input) _ -> (1 + input) + 5)
  in inputToNewOutput input

-- Remove the applied argument
(\input ->
    inputToNewOutput = (\            _ -> (1 + input) + 5)
  in inputToNewOutput input

-- inline `inputToNewOutput`
(\input ->
  (\_ -> (1 + input) + 5) input

-- apply the `input` argument, which gets ignored
(\input ->
         (1 + input) + 5)

-- finish cleaning up the code
(\input -> (1 + input) + 5))
(\input ->  1 + input  + 5)

-- re-reveal the "produceValue" part
produceValue = someComputation 4
  someComputation = (\input -> 1 + input + 5)

-- inline `someComputation`
produceValue = (\input -> 1 + input + 5) 4

-- apply the argument
produceValue = (\4 -> 1 + 4 + 5)

-- remove the lambda argument
produceValue = 1 + 4 + 5

-- Evaluate it
produceValue = 10

Example 3: multiple bind

I'll leave this up to the reader to reduce, but the syntax should make it clear how it works (4 is always the initial input in each function below):

produceValue = someComputation 4
  someComputation = do
    five <- (\four -> 1 + four)
    three <- (\fourAgain -> 7 - fourAgain)
    two <- (\fourOnceMore -> 13 + fourOnceMore - five * three)
    (\fourTooMany -> 8 - two + three)